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I.A.O.M.A.S.          *** International Alliance Of Martial Arts Schools ***           ...the true spirit of martial arts          ...become part of something BIG, something unique, something World Wide, something pioneering in the world of martial arts          ...Join the IAOMAS and open your eyes to the true spirit of martial arts

What is it?

The International Alliance Of Martial Arts Schools is a student support system, the co-operation of Martial Arts schools worldwide to allow all martial arts students to continue to train wherever they go (ie. On holiday, vacation, work etc.). Its good for all students involved (through the club) & good for instructors to be able to offer training where-ever their students are in the world.

Whose Involved?

Any one can get involved. Obviously you have to allow students from other clubs to train at your school `Free` & yours are offered the same, worldwide. Joining is free, no fee`s, no politics, just real, unblickered martial artists.

Whats the deal?

Simply, it's a list of schools in as many countries as possible, that agree to allow any student (from schools involved)  `FREE` training, for at least two weeks, should they visit that country (or area). This is `NON-POLITICAL`, and is based on individual school instructors. Should the visiting student be staying in that area longer then they can negotiate further with the instructor. Please visit the `country` site you are intending visiting & contact the school via email / telephone & let them know you are coming (Give them dates etc.,comfirm its okay &  get any other details you require)

How can my school become part of this?

Email the `Country` site where you are based with your schools details (see below, left). If you are a student, who wants to be the main contact for your school you should of course gain your instructors permission/approval first. Then, put a IAOMAS link on your web site (in a prominant place) & link it to the main countries IAOMAS web page (like this), there are no links (except for the school links) so each visitor shall be returned to your website when they are done.

Guide Lines

1. Of course, it goes without saying that clubs should treat visiting students with respect (no matter what the style), theres a section to say if you would prefer your own-style only to be able to visit

2. Students should follow the clubs rules/codes of conduct etc. at all times.

3. Students represent their clubs/instructors & may cause their schools to become disassociated if they cannot behave!.

4. Complaints from visting students (about the schools they visited) or from School Instructors (about visiting students) should be directed towards the `Main Country` web site for consideration if that club should be disassociated.

5. There is no `I`m better than you` attitudes allowed or needed from anyone. At the end of the day we are all Martial Artists & should behave like one (ie. no egos).

Bringing the World Closer Together
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or visit your `Country` site to join
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or visit your `Country` site to join